In the past, I’ve talked about my intuitive approach to Wordle.
Well, sometimes intuition has to repeat the message. (And yes, I’m laughing at this.)
Yesterday when I was solving Wordle, two of the usual suspects – E and R – were in my first guess, Opera.
Then, I sat back and waited for a word to present itself in my mind. (It’s how I often approach that second line, currently.)
What I perceived was “a question.”
Well, sort of. It’s not like I hear voices in my head. (That never happens.) Sometimes I think of a word and say to myself, “Sure, why not?” before entering it into that day’s Wordle.
Sometimes, it’s more like an impression of a word.
Yesterday, I took the “question” prompt literally, and entered “query.”
After all, that’s a kind of question, right?
Err, umm… that wasn’t the solution and it gave me almost zero helpful clues.
So, I repeated the “sit back and wait” approach.
Eventually, I sensed that the word was “where.”
Then, when it was the correct word, I could not stop laughing.
It was an actual question, not a synonym for the word “question.”
Clearly, I need to fine-tune this. Or get more practice. LOL
Either way, this was one of my more hilarious days for Wordle.