Sunset Colors – 18 Mar 10

Generally, sunsets aren’t colorful right now.  Last night was an exception.  The longer I painted (and the darker the skies became), the more brilliant the colors and contrasts in the sky.

In fact, I tried to paint a second sketch after this one, but it was so dark outside, I couldn’t see what I was doing, and quickly gave up.

I wasn’t even sure that the first oil sketch (shown here) caught the colors accurately.  (Artificial light – even “full spectrum” lighting – rarely shows how the colors will look in daylight.)

This morning, I could hardly wait for daylight, to see how this painting turned out.

I’m pleased.  This captured the early colors of the sunset, and how vivid the grass looked in contrast with the peachy-magenta colors as the slipped below the horizon.

We’re expecting record-breaking high temperatures this afternoon, and I’m hoping they’ll bring another spectacular sunset.  This time, my palette and easel are all ready, so I can work quickly while the daylight lasts.